Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Mommy's Proud Moment

I am proud of me I have my moments when I’m sad. Sad about my past, present and decisions I have made, but not today. Today I am proud. I’m watching Zuri run around in our home, that I pay for all alone, jumping on the couch that was found for me at a yard sale,and eating out of the bowl I bought her. I may not have done the things I wanted to do before having her, but none of that really matters. I’ve done the things I needed to- to be able to provide her with the things she needs on my own. I’m proud to not HAVE to live with family, to be homeless, worry about money, or need someone to buy diapers. I’m greatful for the clothes that get handed down, the ones that I buy and the love and support we have from family and friends as we journey through our lives together. Even if we never have more than just this (AND WE WILL!) I would be overjoyed, thankful, and proud.....that God is my Source!