Wednesday, November 9, 2011

8 month reflection: "It gets easier, and other lies they tell new moms"

Someone asked me the other day if there was anything I wish I knew before I had my baby. After telling him I could write a book on that topic – and if you compiled all my conversations into blogposts, I already have – I narrowed it down to a few things.

The cleaning. Dear God, the cleaning!! I had no idea how much time and energy I would spend cleaning up after my child. And we’re not just talking changing diapers and picking up toys. Oh, no. The day might bring a spilled bottle of maple syrup or a blender explosion in the kitchen, a sippy-cup malfunction in the family room, a dog-shredded diaper in the baby’s room, and a bathtub tsunami. Not to mention the laundry. Spit-up stained sleepers, and peed-on sheets are just the beginning.

It seems like not that long ago I lived in a 1-bedroom apartment and used the same plate and fork at each meal. I vacuumed and cleaned the bathroom maybe once every week or 2. (Did I even own a vacuum?) I did one load of laundry a month! And if I put something away, it stayed there. If you can imagine.

And thank goodness someone finally put into words what I’ve always thought about cleaning ladies. If you’re lucky enough to have cleaning help once a week or even twice a month, that’s not a free pass, people. It’s not like you have Alice from “The Brady Bunch” living with you, points out Claudine Wolk, author of “It Gets Easier… And Other Lies We Tell New Mothers.” It’s simply what I like to call DAMAGE CONTROL. The daily messes and stresses? They’re still on you.

The 24/7, 365 responsibility. OK, maybe intellectually you knew this was the deal. But did you really think through exactly what this meant? That you’d be restricted to drive-thrus, unless you want to schlep the baby carrier in and out of the car just to grab your Starbucks and your sandwhich?

That unless you’re lucky enough to live near family (Thank God I do now!!!) you will have to pay someone to watch your child EVERY SINGLE TIME you want to go out , go to a yoga class, go to the store, and possibly even clean your house without someone screaming or getting underfoot?

That you don’t get sick days, holidays, vacation time, or personal days? That you may never again sleep in on weekends? (At least till your kids are teenagers.) I’m telling you, people, it takes some getting used to. Even now, I’m still disappointed when 5 p.m. on Friday comes … and I realize it means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Happy hour is a distant memory…

The low tolerance and defense mechanism; and this only applies to people who give the most absurd advice, make inconsiderate comments (about your baby’s complexion or hair texture), create dillusional excuses for why your baby cries when they try to hold your baby, accuse you of spoiling (being a mother) to your child……and just simply have nothing encouraging, uplifting or resourceful to say---and these individuals may or may not have children and for those who do, its been well over ten years since they pushed a baby out… and somehow they seem to have forgotten that they, too, at one point, could care less what anybody thought or said about their journey into ‘mommy-hood’…they just enjoyed it!
I had not nearly expected to be defending my baby or my ‘new’ parenting skills half as much time as I spend on enjoying being a mom and loving on my baby….geesh! So my tolerance is almost non existent when I encounter experiences like such and I have become the lion protecting her cub….guarding and filtering any unwanted energy…..that’s my role for life. And I gladly accept the position.

The unparalleled joy. I’ve always loved kids. And yet I still hadn’t the faintest clue what it was going to be like to meet a tiny, brand-new person that was a ‘mini-me’. How I would feel when she reached for MY finger and would only be soothed by ME. How my heart would soar when she slept peacefully, ate well, burped, gained weight, had poopy diapers, even!

Moms love to trade horror stories and vent about the hard work and frustrations that go along with raising kids. I know I do! So before you have them you might wonder, “Why put yourself through that?” and “Is it worth it?” The answer is yes. YES!! A thousand, billion, trillion times YES. Why?

A billion, trillion different reasons. Because babies have senses of humor. More than many adults I know. And because they unconditionally love you, with the sloppy kisses and sticky hugs to prove it. And because they’re so very entertaining. And because of moments like this:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

6months...and counting....half a yr wit Zuri.b!!

You have proven to me beyond belief that life is certainly worth LIVING and not just EXISTING.....everyday u make me wanna live harder and give u everything u need and deserve....i love u babybuttafly...forever....always.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

Happy belated 3months Zuri.b!!!

We have been soooo busy my love....and you havent missed beat! I see more of myself in you now a're eating good...everything! Scooting....flippin over...wanting to stand and try to walk all the time! Idk.....ur kunda scarin mama a bit baby....u know somethin I dnt know????.....movin kinda fast dnt ya think?!

Nevertheless, I looooove u sooooo much! & I look forward to a lifetime of joy, love, and happiness with u!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Happy 2months Zuri.b!!!!

'All ready for Mother's Day Dinner'

'Knocked out!'

'pretty n' pink'

'ready to play'

'hey now...'

Trying to crawl....sitting up, rolling over....talking back!...and the Dr. says you may be an early teether!.....SLOW DOWN!!!! Zuri.b who and what are you moving out of the way for??? To be so tiny, you are developing so fast! But...I'm loving every suprising moment with you! Happy 2months my lil buttafly!

'Sleepin Zuri ( she just got her hair'

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6weeks ~ Zuri.loves....

'Jus Chillin'

'In deep thought&meditation'

'napping on a road trip'

So, these past few days have been the most emotional for me! are six weeks and mommy has to return to work! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! *holding back tears*

I knew this day was coming, but you can never really prepare for having to leave your child in the arms of someone else for half a day.....

so, I originally planned to write your birth story this week, but I need more time to prepare I spirit is just not ready. Instead, I'll just celebrate how you naturally know how to love on mommy...when she needs it most! watching you sleep has been some of the best moments thus far...and I pray that it only gets better from here...

Mommy loves you Zuri.b

'tired after a long day...(of doing nothing)'

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I keep thinking about how my time is winding down before I have to go back to up every second of my day that I now spend staring at how beautiful you are!.....*holding back the tears*

Nevertheless, I will cherish these moments left that I have with you....watching you sleep, the adorable, mysterious faces you make when you're napping,your contagious smile....and that lil sneak peek of a dimple hidden in those fat cheeks....Oh! I could go on and on about you for days!...I'm so in love with you! Zuri.b

The Best is (not yet to come, but...) here for us now! So, stay tuned my lil Buttafly....

p.s. I'm finally going to write your 'Birth Story'...! coming next week.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

4 weeks....Happy 1 month Zuri.b!!!!

"Pretty Girls Rock!"

"Now I lay me down to sleep...."

"Hello World!"

I looked at you this morning and I said to myself,

"I'm a new mommy to a 1-month-old bundle of baby girl joy."

I said that, smiled and then paused.

My life will be filled with daily blessings of juicy kisses, the smile that melts your heart, the touch of a little hand that lets you know that life is truly a gift from God and the eyes that makes you wanna fall in love over and over again.

Again, I pause.

My life will also be filled with sleepless nights, countless bottles, laundry, little socks (that go missing), cries, poopy diapers and uncertainties about my parenting skills.

Gone are the days when my biggest concern was what I would eat tonight, or what my bestfriend and I were going to be doing for the weekend, or what movie to see--the latest black love story.....etc.

I never would have imagined that my life would be so fixated and consumed with coupons for diapers...or reading the labels on formula cans...reading up on the latest recalled baby items or researching which shots we can do without and worrying about which bottles to buy and if I should put them in the microwave or not.
Let's not even mention that going shopping now means bypassing the cute outfit and matching shoes in the store window. Now, it's a beeline to Carters or Osh Kosh, Old Navy (again not for me), Baby Gap and Target is a marathon adventure spent mostly in the Baby section perusing the baby necessities -- man you are growing so fast.

Again, I pause.....and a smile fills my face.

You know what......I don't mind the change one bit and wouldn't trade it for the world.

These are the feelings and blessings for which you can never be prepared. are the joy in my heart....the laughter in my soul.....the calm in my storm. When I have bad thoughts or an overly emotional day, you remind me not to sweat the small stuff because there are much bigger things in this world. You are such a ray of sunshine. You bring so much meaning to a world and life that was once so confusing. You have given me purpose--a drive beyond compare.

Even in the midst of all the confusion about being a first time mom, doubting my abilities to care for such a fragile life and hoping and praying to God that I don't screw up your life(lol)......I know that all you want and need from me is to cuddle you when you cry and give you tons of 'mommy-kisses'. You don't ask for much and you don't expect me to be perfect and I can't expect to be perfect either. We're both in this baby training camp together and we'll make it through just fine...

1 month down....and a lifetime to go!....Mommy loves you Zuri.b

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 3- My SWEET and SOUR Pea...


"Adding your two cents..."

"Sing Baby!"

"Speakin ya mind...."

3 weeks you have amazed me everyday, evolving drastically before my eyes...I'm still in awe. Your personality is manifesting beautifully.....oh my, I certainly do have a 'mini me'! attitude and all! My sweet and sour You certainky know how to let it be known if you're not happy!

You love to sing along with me, as I sing our song to stare at me for awhile, then you chime right in...mouth wide...with the most adorable sounds coming out! ;-)

I still wonder if you know how tiny you stil are?! have the strongest lil legs, climbing my stomach and chest....holding you head up by are full of suprises! and mommy is full daily off of watching you!....

21days of pure bliss!....My Zuri.b

Mommy is so in love with you!

Friday, March 25, 2011

365LOVE.letters: Week 1-2

Today you are 12 days old.....12 days you have been in this earthly realm...12days I have walked in 'mommyhood' learning and perfecting this craft of nurturing that, seemingly, comes so natural.
I love you more and more with each day passing...
I love looking at your eyes, that so candidly resemble mine.
You have such an old soul...already.
So petite...yet so strong your mommy! (you are determined to lift your head up and crawl up my stomach and chest!)

You are a are.

She's so Beautiful...My Zuri.

Blessed and Thankful. I feel.
Looking beyond her eyes into the rest of our lives...
her heart so pure..
softness birthed in a miracle so sweet...
eloquently cute.
Beauty is her name...
My Zuri.

March 13, 2011 at 12:12pm....something amazing happened! Through an intense, emotional and passionate labor....and one BIG push...MyZuri manifested! (Birth Story coming soon!...) I dedicate this Blog to my beautiful daughter...her spirit, her growth, my words of wisdom and 'new mommyhood' moments....chronicled in my LOVEletters to this amazing extension of myself!

I am SO inLOVE!